Gift fics
Ficlet written by Kentra Shinataku, for the request-a-ficlet meme at LiveJournal. (GW)
Mourning Doves
Ficlet written by Trixie, for the ficlet-on-demand meme at LiveJournal. (Lord of the Rings)
his Master's Wish
Birthday gift ficlet written by Trixie, also for my request at the fic_on_demand LiveJournal community. (YGO)
The Kitsune's Treasure
Birthday gift ficlet written by Trixie, also for my request at the fic_on_demand LiveJournal community. (GW)
Winner Takes All
Birthday gift ficlet written by Mookie, also for my request at the fic_on_demand LiveJournal community. (YGO)
Plato's Immortality of the Soul
Christmas gift ficlet written by Mookie *smooch* (YGO)
My Favourite
gift fic written by Fancy Figures ^_____^ (Fic contains lemon!)(GW)
gift drabble by yami_tai ::hugs:: (YGO)
Me, Myself and the Couch
request fic written by Misura (YGO)
Postscriptum in Paris
request fic written by Misura (Tomb Raider : Angel of Darkness)
Soul's Surface
birthday gift fic written by Cymoril Avalon (YGO)

Award for winning the 25K category in the first Yu-Gi-Oh Slash Novella Challenge 2006 as hosted by

Link to Silent Scribblings
Please upload to your own server and link back to http:// silentscribblings. darkmagick. net/

Daimeryan's Favorites


More Daimeryan Links
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My DreamWidth journal
My fanfic Dreamwidth journal
My fanfic on Archive of Our Own

Original Fiction
Katherine Bell
Clare London

Contact me
daimeryanrei at gmail dot com