(to avoid any confusion, it's Yuugi who starts every bit of conversation)
"Mou hitori no boku..."
"Yes, aibou?"
"Do you like to spend time with me?"
"I do."
"You didn't hesitate to answer."
"Why would I hesitate?"
"Well... you don't have to say you like spending time with me, if in fact you really don't."
"I do."
"Because of who you are."
"Who am I, then?"
"The other half of my soul."
"Is that why you like to spend time with me? Simply because I'm the other half of your soul?"
"That is not what I would call 'simply', aibou."
"Forgive me, mou hitori no boku. I don't know why I'm saying all of this..."
"I do."
"Will you tell me?"
"It is not easy, aibou. One of these days we will have to part..."
"Please, don't say that..."
"You are asking yourself questions about your life, about your destiny, about your fate."
"My fate was to solve the Puzzle, to free you and to help you."
"Are you dissatisfied with that?"
"Of course not! Never! I'd do it all over again, the same way!"
"After everything that has happened, it is logical for you to ask questions."
"You're so strong, mou hitori no boku. I don't think you ever doubt yourself."
"I do."
"I'm not looking forward to our duel, yet on the other hand I'm very excited..."
"I know what you mean. It is going to be very tense. We should assemble our decks."
"Yes, you're right. It's getting dark already, and we both need to rest."
"There is still time."
"Mou hitori no boku..."
"Yes, aibou?"
"I don't like the thought of losing you."
"I know. I am not going to hold back, aibou."
"You better not! Everything that has happened, has lead up to this very moment; no way you're going to go easy on me, or else I'm going to be very, very disappointed, Atemu!"
"You used my first name!"
"Oh, I'm sorry! I should've known better... you don't want me to use it, right?"
"I do."
"Your name is beautiful, truly befitting a Pharaoh. But it's not common to address a Pharaoh with his first name, is it?"
"It is not, but I do not mind, aibou. You can call me anything you want."
"No, mou hitori no boku. You have a real, true name now. By all means, I shouldn't call you 'mou hitori no boku' anymore."
"It is a great honor to be called your 'Other Self', do not ever forget that."
"I don't know if that's true..."
"I do."
"Mou hitori no boku..."
"Yes, aibou?"
"When the moment is there..."
"Do you want to leave?"
"...do not."