They say that around your 30th year, you're going to ask yourself some questions. "What have I achieved so far?" "What do I really want to do with my life?" "Who am I?"
I have fought in two wars and brought world peace, together with my brothers in arms. That is my achievement. I want to keep fighting for peace when necessary, fighting to protect the ones I love. That's what I want to do with my life. I am Heero Yuy. That's who I am.
I'm standing on the far right of the picture, I don't know why. It's my favorite; out of every picture I obtained in the years. It was taken on the aircraft carrier, where we gathered for the first time together after all the strenuous events. Duo is on my left, of course, arm thrown around me.
Duo Maxwell... you called yourself Shinigami, the God of Death, and I couldn't imagine a more beautiful death. If you were the one to come for me when my time is near, then I would gladly put both my hands in yours and let me take away by you. Your friendship and your trust in me all these years have made me realize I've been graced to have met you and to know you- you shed your past, your alter ego, and your mask, to become one of the people I trust and love most.
Trowa Barton is standing next to Duo, posture calm and composed. The Silent Clown, as they called you, but silence has never been so strong as with you. There were more words behind your silence than anyone could ever speak, and I only had to look into your eyes to see the strength. No more words than necessary for you, my good and faithful friend. I have been blessed to meet you and to call you my friend.
On the left next to Trowa, is as he was called our angel- Quatre Raberba Winner. They didn't know any better- with your blonde hair and your wide blue eyes, you have the appearance of an angel, even when aging. You were the Angel of Mercy, who knew how to show compassion and when to show mercy... and when not. A force to be reckoned with, a friend to cherish, a family member like all of us, who didn't allow the wars to destroy his kindness.
The Solitary Dragon is on the far left... even now, still with a little distance between the rest of us. I respect Chang Wufei's wish for space- that little bit of freedom around him he is searching for, to keep and maintain. Despite that, you also came out of your shell, tore down your walls, and showed us yourself- still living by your own sense of justice, never compromising your own values. Solitary as you might be, you are never to us.
Why am I staring at the picture? That is the only question I have when turning 30- I know what I achieved, what I want, who I am.
"Are you coming, Heero?"
I know he smiles when he asks me... I can hear it. I wouldn't want to miss our anniversary for a minute. Our anniversary of our friendship, our bond, our union. This is my life. Pretty as a picture.